My Name Is Mostafa

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Mostafa Osama

About Me

Who Am I?

My name is Mostafa Osama, I'm a web developer, I am a student at faculty of computer science, I have learned web development 2 years ago (and count continues), I love learning new things every single day, Reading, Video games, and I'm learning mobile development currently.

My Work

pizzahut project

A full design of Pizzahut main website in Egypt

pizzahut project

A hard excerise of a calculator from front-end mentor

pizzahut project

Quizz app for html and javascript

pizzahut project

A simple shoes gallery app for products and online markets

pizzahut project

Quizz app for html and javascript

pizzahut project

A day and night islam prayers for muslim and a project I'm proud of

pizzahut project

In this todo project a tried a new things and challenges with vanilla js

pizzahut project

I can say that this template was my first professional project, and I tried to put my touch my in it

My Skills

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